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Taner Yonar

Taner Yonar


Title: Electrochemical Degradation of Dairy Effluent Using Novel Sn/Sb/Ni-Ti Anodes


Biography: Taner Yonar


The application of Sn-Sb-Ni electrodes for the treatment of waste streams is too limited in literature. Sn/SbNi-Ti anodes are tested for electrochemical ozone generation. Sn/Sb/Ni-Ti anodes are promising alloys for ozone production by electrolysis of water because of their stability and over potential for the oxygen evolution reaction.  These series of anodes have high electrochemical ozone generation potential at ambient conditions (apprioximately 40% current efficiency). Dairy plant wastewaters are generally high-strength wastes containing soluble, colloidal, and suspended solids at high concentrations, with several sources of chemical and biochemical oxygen demand, but mainly of organic origin.  Serious environmental problems can arise if dairy wastewater is not treated properly.  According to our knowledge, electrochemical treatment of dairy effluent using Sn/Sb/Ni-Ti anodes is missing in literature. In this study, titanium mesh substrate coated with Sn-Sb-Ni alloy was used as anode immersed in wastewater at room temperature with platinised titanium cathode. Five operational parameters ( initial dye concentration, pH, COD, applied voltage/current and the contact time) were evaluated for the electrochemical degradation of dairy