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Qamar Abbas

Qamar Abbas



Qamar Abbas received his PhD degree in technical sciences from Graz University of Technology (Austria) in 2011. The same year he joined the Institute of Chemistry and Technical Electrochemistry (ICTE) at Poznan University of Technology, Poznan, Poland where he worked as a post doc in WELCOME project funded by the Fundacja na rzecz Nauki Polskiej (FNP) from 2011 to 2015. Since Jan 2016, he is assistant researcher at the ICTE and his research interests are related with optimization of supercapacitor performance in aqueous and organic electrolytes under testing conditions and corrosion investigations and mitigation of stainless steel type alloys in aqueous media.


Abstract : Iodides confinement within activated carbon porosity resulting battery-type electrode for aqueous hybrid supercapacitor